For me, it means one room smack dab in the middle of my house that I can't really use for anything other than walking through on my way to the living room. The girls have been crammed into the smallest room in the house and it's time to give them a bit more space. So, I'm breaking down and doing what all my neighbors have been doing with this no man's land room - closing off the thoroughfare between the living room and dining room and making it into a bedroom.
Problem is, the girls' twin beds fit only on the wall of windows, and this is earthquake country, people. I love my enormous victorian windows, but not when my precious babes are sleeping under them.
My landlord suggested I put blue masking tape x's all over the windows. For reals.
Design advice, please. I can't afford to change out to tempered glass just yet (and given my landlord's response, he won't be footin' any bills on this) and I don't like plexiglass coverings.
I was thinking of putting one bed under each window and maybe putting up heavy canvas curtains that I would close at night and velcro to the window frame. However, if anyone else reading this blog has a creative earthquake proofing idea, I'd love to hear from you.
Have you come up with a solution yet? Your home interiors are gorgeous. I love your rug sooooooo much
your home is wonderful - victorian room or not, you seem to have made it work. reading about you closing your shop made me so completely sad and i don't even know you!!! i got an instant image of you like ms. kelly in you've got mail. no one likes to see a non-homogenized store close. i hope your instincts were right about closing. best of luck to you in all your endeavors. am enjoying your postings and pics. thanks for sharing. regards - jim
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